Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast the Ideas and Techniques of the...

Compare and Contrast the Ideas and Techniques of the Poets in the some of the Love Poems we have Studied Love is a very popular topic for poetry. This is because love is one of the only things that there is no scientific fact no true definition and can be thought of in so many different ways. Poets can use poems to portray all the different types of love that people feel, romantic, young, stereotypical, fake, possessive, physical, the list is endless. Three poems that portray some of these are â€Å"The Flea†, â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† and â€Å"A Woman to her Lover†. I like the poems â€Å"The Flea† and â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† by John Donne because of the imagery and metaphors he uses to give us an understanding†¦show more content†¦Also it gives the image that wherever the circle starts it will always come back, just like the man will come back to the woman. â€Å"Thy soule the fixt foot, takes no show To move, but doth, if th’other doe.† In â€Å"The Flea† Donne uses yet another strong and prominent image, the flea, to try and persuade the woman in the poem to sleep with him. Donne shows the flea as something just as extreme as them sleeping together; because it has bitten both him and the lady their blood is mingled. â€Å"Mee it suck’d first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea, our two bloods mingled bee;† Since the 17-century idea was of sex as a mingling of the blood, he realises that by mixing their bloods together in its body, the flea has done what she didnt dare to do. This is a very shocking image but Donne uses it to contradict and almost trick the woman into sleeping with him. This is unlike â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning†. In â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† is almost the woman’s view to â€Å"The Flea†. In the third verse of â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† Christina talks of how her body is not something that her lover can use for his physical desires. â€Å"My skin soft only for you fond caresses My body supple only for your sense delight† Christina uses alliteration of the soft f’s and s’s these gentleShow MoreRelatedAppreciation of Poem923 Words   |  4 Pagesshould be read slowly and savored attentively. Poets employ different poetic techniques to convey their ideas, opinions, and express their feelings. Some poems can be understood easily while others seam vague. 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