Sunday, August 23, 2020

Billie Holiday Quotes

Billie Holiday Quotes Billie Holiday, a famous and appalling figure in jazz, was a skilled artist with an astonishing voice and ability whose individual life was disorderly and pained. Chosen Billie Holiday Quotations I never hurt no one however myself and that is nobodys business yet my own. Im continually making a rebound however no one ever reveals to me where Ive been. Youve got the chance to have something to eat and a little love in your life before you can keep still for any damn bodys message on the most proficient method to carry on. Someone once said we never recognize what is sufficient until we know whats all that could possibly be needed. On the off chance that I dont have companions, at that point I aint got nothin. Dont compromise me with affection, infant. Releases simply strolling in the downpour. Love resembles a fixture, it kills and on. You can be up to your boobies in white silk, with gardenias in your hair and no sugar stick for a significant distance, yet you can in any case be dealing with a manor. Once in a while its more regrettable to win a battle than to lose. Singing tunes like The Man I Love or Porgy is no more work than plunking down and eating Chinese meal duck, and I love broil duck. Individuals dont comprehend the sort of battle it takes to record what you need to record the manner in which you need to record it. I loathe straight singing. I need to change a tune to my own particular manner of doing it. That is all I know. In the event that Im going to sing like another person, at that point I dont need to sing by any stretch of the imagination. You cannot duplicate anyone and end with anything. In the event that you duplicate, it implies youre working with no genuine inclination. No two individuals on earth are similar, and its got the opportunity to be that route in music or it isnt music. No two individuals on earth are indistinguishable, and its got the chance to be that route in music or it isnt music. I never got an opportunity to play with dolls like different children. I began working when I was six years of age. In this nation, dont overlook, a propensity is no damn private hellfire. Theres no isolation outside of prison. A propensity is damnation for those you love. Furthermore, in this nation its the most exceedingly terrible sort of damnation for the individuals who love you. All moron can accomplish for you is slaughter you... the long hard way. What's more, it can execute your loved ones right alongside you. About These Quotes Statement assortment gathered by Jone Johnson Lewis. Every citation page in this assortment and the whole assortment  © Jone Johnson Lewis. This is a casual assortment gathered over numerous years. I lament that I am not have the option to give the first source in the event that it isn't recorded with the statement.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Macbeth - Essay Example The woman here unsexes herself and questions the masculinity of Macbeth. An incredible witch in her is dynamic presently to entice and unsex an amazing aristocrat, to lead him into his disaster. The gadgets she utilizes make the lines exceptionally poetical. She plays upon words like expectation, smashed, dress, pale, love, valor, and weakling. She realizes that Macbeth’s quality is in his valor. His shortcoming is his desire, overvaulting aspiration. Utilizing the analogy of dress, which plagues all through the play, she addresses the basis behind loving a desire for which either Macbeth isn't sufficiently valiant to satisfy, or it was just an expectation in him conceived in an inebriated second. Whatever the case is, she cunningly heaves the words like want, valor, dread, and love and hangs tight for his response. â€Å"I dare do all that may turn into a man†, answers Macbeth. This answer constrains his better half is to fall back on more grounded spikes. As yet bothering the word â€Å"man†, Lady Macbeth presently asks whether he was not a man when he had valued a brutal aspiration. She currently strikes upon the most touchy harmony of a delicate character by asking Macbeth in the case of breaking a promise is masculine or brutal. Unsexing herself, she reveals to him that â€Å"had I so sworn as you†, she would have culled her areolas from her grinning child and â€Å"dashed the mind out†. The structure of the entry being talked about here is clear; it is utilized by Shakespeare to uncover the genuine character Lady Macbeth. She is appeared as a witch, a beast, whose worry as a spouse is egotistical and mechanical. The entry additionally shows that Macbeth is commanded by his better half, which accelerates his catastrophe. Simultaneously, the illustrations in this section resound over and over in the play to uplift the characteristics of the character in Macbeth. He concedes that it is â€Å"better be with the dead† than carry on with a tormented life. Macbeth, similar to Hamlet, knows about the quandaries from which a man

Monday, July 6, 2020

Errors Of The Electoral College - Free Essay Example

Supposedly in a democracy everyones vote should count equipollently, but the method that the U.S. uses to elect its president, the Electoral College, infringed this principle by ascertaining that some peoples votes are greaters than others. The Election of these two officers, the president and vice president, is determined by a group of electors. This was established in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. The Electoral College represented a compromise among the progenitors of the U.S. about one of the most plaging questions they faced: how to elect the commander in chief . The Constitutional Convention considered more than 15 different including plans for election by Congress or one of its houses, by sundry state officials, by electors, or by direct popular vote. The Electoral College has a rich and complex history, but has time progress on, lots of problems starts to arise because its an outdated system that was used to accommodate the people 1700s. Now in the twenty first century, its time for change and to realize the errors the Electoral College. History The Electoral College was engendered for two reasons. The first purpose was to engender a buffer between population and the selection of a President. The second as a component of the structure of the regime that gave extra power to the more minuscule states.The first reason that the progenitors engendered the Electoral College is hard to understand in today culture. The founding fathers were apprehension of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to puissance. Hamilton indicted in the Federalist Papers: It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. The second reason was for the electoral college to additionally be part of compromises made at the convention to slake the diminutive states. Under the system of the Electoral College each state had the same number of electoral votes as they have representative in Congress, thus no state could have less than 3. According to the History, Art, Archives Of The United States House Of Representatives (H.A.A.U.S.H.R.) The result of this system is that in this election the state of Wyoming cast about 210,000 votes, and thus each elector represented 70,000 votes, while in California approximately 9,700,000 votes were cast for 54 votes, thus representing 179,000 votes per electorate. Conspicuously this engenders an inequitable advantage to voters in the minuscule states whose votes genuinely count more than those people living in medium and astronomically immense states. The Electoral College was engendered by the framers of the U.S. Constitution as a compromise for the presidential election process. At the time, some politicians believed a pristinely popular election was too temerarious and would give an exorbitant amount of voting power to highly populated areas in which people were acclimated with a presidential candidate. Others remonstrated to the possibility of letting Congress select the president, as some suggested. The Constitution gave each state a number of electors equal to the amalgamated total of its membership in the Senate (two to each state, the senatorial electors) and its delegation in the House of Representatives (currently ranging from one to 52 Members). The electors are culled by the states in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct (U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 1). One aspect of the electoral system that is not mandated in the constitution is the fact that the triumpher takes all the votes in the state. There it makes no difference if you win a state by 50.1% or by 80% of the vote you receive the same number of electoral votes. This can be a recipe for one individual to win some states by immensely colossal pluralities and lose others by diminutive number of votes, and thus this is a facile scenario for one candidate winning the popular vote while another winning the electoral vote. This triumpher take all methods utilized in picking electors has been decided by the states themselves. This trend took place over the course of the 19th century. The Elector The elector plays the most important in the election of the president. The Constitutionrs Article II, Section 1 spells out the rudimental Electoral College rules. A majority of electors is needed to elect a President; members of Congress or people holding a United States office cant be electors; electors cant pick two presidential candidates from their own state, and Congress determines when the electors meet within their states (or in the federal district). The total number of Electoral College members equals the number of people in Congress and three supplemental electors from the District of Columbia. The list of the electors, or the slate of electors, within a state customarily doesnt appear on the election ballot. States have different rules for when official slates are submitted to election officials. Each political party decides how to submit its slate of electors, at the request of its presidential candidate. The state decides when that slate needs to be submitted. While they may be well-kenned persons in their states, electors generally receive little apperception as such. In most states, the denominations of individual elector-candidates do not appear anywhere on the ballot; instead only those of the presidential and vice presidential candidates of the parties or other groups that nominated the elector-candidates appear. In some states, the presidential and vice-presidential nominees denominations are preceded on the ballot by the words electors for. The customary anonymity of presidential electors is such that electoral votes are commonly referred to as having been awarded to the winning candidates, as if no human beings were involved in the process. There is a serious problem, that there is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states .Some states, however, require Electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories; Electors bound by state law and those bound by pledges to political parties. Notwithstanding the tradition that electors are bound to vote for the candidates of the party that nominated them, individual electors have sometimes broken their commitment, voting for a different candidate or for candidates other than those to whom they were pledged; they are kenned as faithless or unfaithful electors. This phenomenon, generally referred to as faithless or unfaithful electors, also derives directly from the Constitution, which in the Twelfth Amendment, instructs electors to vote by ballot for President and Vice President. While tradition that electors reflect the popular vote exerts a st rong influence, there is no constitutional requirement that they vote for the candidates to whom they are pledged. Although 24 states seek to preclude perfidious electors by a variety of methods, including pledges and the threat of fines or malefactor action, most constitutional philomaths, like Cass Sunstein and Michael McConnell, believe that once electors have been chosen, they remain constitutionally free agents, able to vote for any candidate who meets the requirements for President and Vice President. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require that Electors be consummately free to act as they optate and consequently, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the parties nominees. Some state laws provide that s-called faithless Electors may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and be superseded by a supersession elector. According to the National Archives and Record Administration, twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia now have laws that bind electors to the candidate that wins their state. For example, in Utah an elector is considered to have resigned and their vote not recorded if they vote for a candidate not nominated by the same political party of which the elector is a member. Some states merely require electors sign a pledge that they will cast their vote for the candidate that wins their state, but some states go further and impose civil or criminal penalties. In New Mexico, a Fait hless Elector is subject to a fourth degree felony charge. But there are also strong arguments that binding electors to vote in a certain way is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has not categorically ruled on the question of whether pledges and penalties for failure to vote as pledged may be enforced under the Constitution. No Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged. The Case Against The Electoral College There is hardly anything in the Constitution harder to explain, or easier to misunderstand, than the Electoral College. The Electoral Collegers proponents argue that it keeps small states in the conversation and ensures a president has cross-regional support. These are certainly desirable goals, but do they withstand close examination? While there is some merit to the claim that the Electoral College requires presidential candidates to have cross-regional support, the reality is less black and white. Itrs true that under the Electoral College, a presidential candidate cannot win with the support of just the Northeast or the South. But mathematically, neither can they win under a system based solely on the popular vote. Some also argue that the Electoral College allows small states like New Hampshire to gain critical importance in the electoral process, but this ignores the fact that under the current system, the other 12 smallest states are entirely ignored. Some argue that the Elect oral College should be dumped as a useless relic of 18th-century white-gentry privilege. A month after the 2016 election, and on the day the members of the Electoral College met to cast their official votes, the New York Times editorial board published a scathing attack of this sort, calling the Electoral College an antiquated mechanism that overwhelming majorities of Americans would prefer to eliminate in favor of a direct, national popular vote. The often forgotten territories, Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands, get no votes from the Electoral College. This is because they arent states and they dont have a special constitutional amendment to recognize them. Which is a bit odd considering theyre part of the United States and everyone who lives there as a citizen. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services states: Puerto Rico is also a commonwealth of the United States, meaning the territory has a political union with the United States. Individuals born in Puerto Rico are considered citizens of the United States. The sans would apply to other island expect the American Sonomas. For most practical purpose, theyre just like D.C. There are about 4.4 million people who lives in the territories according to the World Population Review. That might not sound like a lot ,but its more than the populations of Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska and Delaware combined. Yet, still no vot es from the electoral college. The whole situation with territories is extra strange when you consider the final group of Americans who dont live in the states. Americans who live abroad in a foreign country, can usually send a postal vote to the last state that you reside it in, but if you move within the United States to one of those territories; you lose your right to vote for president as long as you live there. The Electoral College system is undemocratic in a second respect it weights the votes of some Americans more than those of others. Since each state, regardless of population, has at least three electoral votes (two for its Senate seats and at least one for each representative), the smallest states have a higher ratio for electors to population than do larger states according to the National Archives and Records Administration. As the composition of the electoral college is partially based on state representation in Congress, some maintain it is inconsistent with the one person, one vote principle. The Constitutional Convention agreed on a compromise plan whereby less populous states were assured of a minimum of three electoral votes, based on two Senators and one Representative, regardless of state population. Since electoral college delegations are equal to the combined total of each staters Senate and House delegation, its composition is arguably weighted in favor of the small, or less populous, states. The two senatorial or at large electors to which each state is entitled are said to confer on them an advantage over more populous states, because voters in the less populous ones cast more electoral votes per voter. Critics also express concern about the lack of accountability of electors. Most electors are relatively anonymous individuals, not the eminent persons the founders envisioned. Although chosen by state parties to support particular candidates, on occasions they have not done so, thereby creating concern about the irresponsible elector .It might seem counterintuitive that rational voters can create such bad incentives. But consider, as an example, an incumbent who must decide whether to prioritize policy aimed at boosting the economy in the short run, or policy aimed at a long-run problem like global warming. Assume that work on global warming has greater impact on the voters welfare. If the performance of the economy is more informative about the incumbentrs competence or about her ideology, voters will nonetheless respond more to the economy. After all, voters can only affect what happens in the future, so rationality demands that the voter select the best candidate going forward Conclusion Throughout modern politics, we have seen presidential candidates fail to grasp the electoral votes, despite having the popular vote. Most recently, we have seen this with Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election cycle against Donald Trump, but as many know, this is not the only time that the most popular candidate did not receive the nomination. The Electoral College is failing us. If you have a voting system that allows losers to win, you shouldnt be surprised when they do. Not once, not twice but four times the most votes from the people actually lost because of the Electoral College. Would you tolerate a sport where by quirk of the rules, there was a 7% chance of the loser winning? Highly unlikely. Given how much more important electing the president of the U.S. is, that is rather a dangerously high percentage of the time to get it wrong.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Coordination as a Component of Organisational Culture - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2190 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Impact of Coordination as a component of Organizational Culture on teamwork Coordination always involves a Coordinating of Project Actions and principles for doing the job well in an organization. Flick (2006) sometimes it also involves a Coordinating of Project People in a design team if you are a supervisor, or a team member who is serving as an unofficial leader. A basic coordinating of design-actions is similar for your own actions or a teams actions; Coordinating the design-actions of your team members can be done by direct decisions (if you decide what they should do and when) and indirect delegation (if you give them responsibility for some of their own action-decisions), in whatever balance you think will be most effective, when all things are considered,Babbie (2003).As described above, you use the two parts of a Teaching Strategy, appropriately adapted for the context of your project and people, by encouraging your team members to develop use their own Strategies for Learning-and-Performance, for delegated responsibilities and by developing usi ng your own Supervising Strategies. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Coordination as a Component of Organisational Culture" essay for you Create order Producing Teamwork: When a group works on a design project, especially the leaders, official and unofficial à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬  should consider the social aspects of the process. They should design strategies for optimizing their use of resources in a way that helps individuals enjoy their work and gain satisfaction from it, while building an à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“usà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  feeling in the group with good attitudes toward each other, as co-workers and as people. Doing this well requires skillful cognition plus aware à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“external met cognitionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  in the social context of their working environment. Those being supervised also play valuable roles by doing their jobs with skill, and being good team members.Overcoming Challenges: A group may have to cope with the pressures of a difficult project when their work is constrained by the limitations of time deadlines and resource budgets. There might be interpersonal tensions between some people, or institutional structures that hinder teamwork. Hess (2001) any of these factors, and others, can put a strain on individuals, their relationships, and the teamwork; in addition to the harmful personal effects for the people involved, the practical effects for a business can be a decrease in the effectiveness of a design process and the quality of a resulting solution. Supervisors and other leaders, as part of their official or unofficial responsibilities, can try to develop strategies for achieving the best possible process-of-design and results-of-design, in ways that are also personally beneficial for the people on their team. Information and communication technology enables accomplishment of work to become independent of time and place. People now work at various locations and participate in the work of one or more organizations. Organizational forms are increasingly based on distributed working practices and localized decision-making. This offers many advantages for both the workers and th e organizations but induces considerable coordination costs. At the same time, traditional coordination mechanisms based on predefined organizational constructs such as formal structures, procedures, methods and plans, are no longer satisfactory in a business environment of globalization and rapid change. New mechanisms are needed and a large number of organizations adopt various forms of flexible and decentralized work management All coordination intensive organizations are characterized by local control over job allocation and day-to-day work planning and control. Examples of organizational forms of this type are All fieldwork at the customer service teams of a majorUK telecommunications company is coordinated by their in-house operational support system (OSS). The OSS is based on a combination of large monolithic applications, including a personnel database. The system processes the requests for work for the next day to produce a work schedule for the field engineer repair tea ms. A task is dispatched to a worker by sending a message to his or her hand-held terminal. Salas et al (2009). The basic assumption of dependency lends cohesion to the group by means of supporting the assumption that nourishment, protection, knowledge, and life can come only from the wisdom of a leader who is omnipotent and omniscient, akin to a magician. The basic assumption of fight/flight brings individuals together around the violent, excitation-saturated feeling that the salvation of the group and its individual members depends on the fact that their leader will enable them to identify, and then successfully fight or flee, a specific enemy either within or outside the group. The basic assumption of pairing enables the group to come together as such through the members sharing of an implicit, mysterious hope, sparked by the assumption that a couple will give birth to a messiah, a new guide, a new idea, or a new theory or ideology. Hersey (2007) narrates that team work is ess ential in corporate for better output and a better bonding among employees. No organization runs for charity. Targets must be met and revenues have to be generated. Tasks must not be kept pending for a long time and ought to be completed within the desired timeframe. A single brain canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t always come with solutions or take decisions alone. He needs someone with whom he can discuss his ideas. In a team, every team member has an equal contribution and each team member comes out with a solution best suited to the problem. All the alternatives can be explored to come out with the best possible solution. Higgs (1996) expresses that thoughts can be discussed among the team members and the pros and cons can be evaluated. Tasks are accomplished at a faster pace when it is done by a team rather than an individual. An individual will definitely take more time to perform if he is single handedly responsible for everything. When employees work together, they start helping each o ther and responsibilities are shared and thus it reduces the work load and work pressure. Every team member is assigned one or the other responsibility according to his specialization, level of interest and thus the output is much more efficient and faster. Work never suffers or takes a backseat in a team. Mike was taking care of an important client and was the only one coordinating with them. Mike took a long leave and there was no one else who could handle the client in his absence. When he joined back after a long vacation, the organization had already lost the client. Had Mike worked in a team, others could have taken the charge when he was not there. In a team, the other team members can perform and manage the work in the absence of any member and hence work is not affected much. There is always a healthy competition among the team members. Competition is always good for the employee as well as the organization as every individual feels motivated to perform better than hi s other team member and in a way contributing to his team and the organization. Team work is also important to improve the relations among the employees. Individuals work in close coordination with each other and thus come to know each other better. Team work also reduces the chances of unnecessary conflicts among the employees and every individual tries his level best to support his team member. The level of bonding increases as a result of team work. Team members can also gain from each other. Every individual is different and has some qualities. One can always benefit something or the other from his team members which would help him in the long run. Everyone is hungry for recognitions and praises. One feels motivated to work hard in a team and to live up to the expectations of the other members. Each member is a critic of the other and can correct him whenever the other person is wrong. One always has someone to fall back on at the time of crisis. Team and team work must be encou raged at workplace as it strengthens the bond among the employees and the targets can be met at a faster pace. Workload is shared and individuals feel motivated to perform better than his team members. 2.3 Impact of individual job satisfaction as a concept of team performance Teamwork theorists believe that if teams work well, have a common goal, are autonomous in their decision-making, and have responsibility and support, teamwork becomes a valuable experience for the workers involved. Working in a team empowers people and helps them develop autonomy, which is a source of profound job satisfaction and reduces stress(Hayes 2005).The relationship between the nature of work, working conditions and satisfaction is explained most often by the cited theory of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"satisfactoryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"dissatisfactorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ drawn up by Herzberg (Herzberg et al, 1957). According to this model, three classes of factors influence job satisfaction. The first class of factors leading to job satisfaction corresponds to the salary appraisal. The second category of factors relates to promotions and the third relate to working conditions. All these classes or categories can be denoted as satisfactors/motivators or as dissatisfactors. The latter types of factors tend to be described as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"hygienic factorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ in relation to the working environment.The promotion and increment of salary do not ensure that all of the employees are satisfied in an organization. The other major factors are the staff appraisal process and the dealing of the managers with individual staff. In some cases the managers fail to adopt a professional appraisal process and respond positively to it. Beyond that, the managers cannot change their pre-occupied attitude or behaviour. Thus, they fail to take a fair appraisal process or fail to respond properly to the need of the employees. As the managers possess the authority to set the rules of the games, sometimes they are highly deviated or prejudiced for or against certain employees. Whatever, the result of the survey or appraisal say they take the decision on their own way. Sometimes the managers want to establish a power relationship to govern the organization and knowingly or unknowingly they use some trustees informationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s for or against some employee. The trustees may not necessarily provide the right information as expected. Thomas (2008) 2.3.1Impact of salary as a component of job satisfaction on team Performance Pay refers to the amount of financial compensation that an individual receives as well as the extent to which such compensation is perceived to be equitable. According to Luthans (1998), salaries not only assist people to attain their basic needs, but are also instrumental in satisfying the higher level needs of people. Previous researches (Ojokuku and Sajuyigbe, 2009; Sajuyigbe, Olaoye and Adeyemi, 2013) discovered that pay is one of the most significant variables in explaining job performance and satisfaction. Frye (2004) also found that there is positive relationship between pay and performance. It was further concluded that pay plays vital role in human capital intensive firms to attract and retain expert workforce. In the research carried out by Sajuyigbe, Olaoye, and Adeyemi, (2013); Igalens and Roussel,(1999); Brudney and Coundry,(1993); and Tessema and Soeters, (2006) they found that pay has significant impact on job satisfaction and performance. Lambert, Hogan, Barton and Lubbock (2001) finding was in line with previous researchers who agreed that financial rewards have a significant impact on job satisfaction and performance. They concluded that, the greater the financial reward, the less worry employees have concerning their financial state, thereby enhancing their impression of their self-worth to the organization. According to Robbins et al. (2003), employees seek pay systems that are perceived as just, unambiguous, and in line with their expectations. Instead of motivating a single individual there is need to focus on selecting team members, the attitude of them, how to train the members, a constant appreciation, provision of equal promotions, other incentives like car, laptop etc. Unfortunately there is a lack of knowledge about construction of a team and its collective effort. (Belbin, 2006).Pay must relate to the accomplishment of goals, the company mission and vision. Any system that offers an employee the average increase for their indus try or length of service (usually 1-4 percent) is counter-productive to goal accomplishment. Even an above-average increase that differentiates one staff person from another can de-motivate. Additionally, the pay system must help one create the work culture one desires. Paying an individual for his / her performance accomplishments alone, will not help them develop the team environment one wants. Thus, one must carefully define the work culture he/she wants to create, and aim their best salary increases at those contributing to the success of that culture. If you want your organization to change, define the change, and pay employees commensurate with their support of and contribution to the change. Finally, the salary strategy must align with oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s human resources goals and strategies. If the HR function is charged with developing a highly skilled, outstanding workforce, one must pay above industry or regional averages to attract the quality employees one seeks. Paying less than comparable firms will bring mediocre employees and fail to fulfill the desire to create an outstanding workforce. If, on the other hand, the HR strategy is to get cheap labor in the door quickly with little regard for turnover, one can pay people less salary. Yvonne (2012) this will in fact not act as a motivation to staff and hence even achieving teamwork in the place might be a big challenge. 1

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast the Ideas and Techniques of the...

Compare and Contrast the Ideas and Techniques of the Poets in the some of the Love Poems we have Studied Love is a very popular topic for poetry. This is because love is one of the only things that there is no scientific fact no true definition and can be thought of in so many different ways. Poets can use poems to portray all the different types of love that people feel, romantic, young, stereotypical, fake, possessive, physical, the list is endless. Three poems that portray some of these are â€Å"The Flea†, â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† and â€Å"A Woman to her Lover†. I like the poems â€Å"The Flea† and â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning† by John Donne because of the imagery and metaphors he uses to give us an understanding†¦show more content†¦Also it gives the image that wherever the circle starts it will always come back, just like the man will come back to the woman. â€Å"Thy soule the fixt foot, takes no show To move, but doth, if th’other doe.† In â€Å"The Flea† Donne uses yet another strong and prominent image, the flea, to try and persuade the woman in the poem to sleep with him. Donne shows the flea as something just as extreme as them sleeping together; because it has bitten both him and the lady their blood is mingled. â€Å"Mee it suck’d first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea, our two bloods mingled bee;† Since the 17-century idea was of sex as a mingling of the blood, he realises that by mixing their bloods together in its body, the flea has done what she didnt dare to do. This is a very shocking image but Donne uses it to contradict and almost trick the woman into sleeping with him. This is unlike â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning†. In â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† is almost the woman’s view to â€Å"The Flea†. In the third verse of â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† Christina talks of how her body is not something that her lover can use for his physical desires. â€Å"My skin soft only for you fond caresses My body supple only for your sense delight† Christina uses alliteration of the soft f’s and s’s these gentleShow MoreRelatedAppreciation of Poem923 Words   |  4 Pagesshould be read slowly and savored attentively. Poets employ different poetic techniques to convey their ideas, opinions, and express their feelings. Some poems can be understood easily while others seam vague. But whatever they are, they all contain some common elements of poetry such as theme, figurative language, and tone, etc.  ¡Ã‚ §Constantly risking absurdity and death ¡Ã‚ ¨ and  ¡Ã‚ §betting on the muse ¡Ã‚ ¨ are two poems which are written by two different poets. By comparing and contrasting these two poemsRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Way in Which Poets Present Ideas About Soldiers Leaving for War in Joining the Colours and The Send Off1031 Words   |  5 Pagesexpress their feelings about soldiers leaving for war. Each have similar attitudes about the subject, but use different approaches to try and get their message across. Both question the popular concept of war, including ideas such as heroism and glory. Katherine Hinkson, the poet who wrote Joining the Colours, shows the scene from two different perspectives, that of the audience watching the soldiers and also her own point of view. Wilfred Owen simply shares his thoughts by describing the soldiersRead MorePoetry Comparative Essay Guide1500 Words   |  6 PagesWriting A Good Comparative Essay – GCSE Poetry You will be asked to compare two or more poems in your exam. You could be asked to write about the presentation of themes, people or places and the importance of language. A good comparative essay is like a multi-layered sandwich: †¢ BREAD - A new point. †¢ FILLING A - How one of your chosen poems illustrates this point. †¢ FILLING B - How your other chosen poem illustrates this point. †¢ BREAD - Your conclusion about this point. This is what the examinersRead MoreAp English Lit and Comp759 Words   |  4 Pagessimilarities when exploring grieving process but also demonstrate its differences through literary techniques. They both utilized symbolism, imagery, and metaphorical language but showed differences in tone. Christina Rossetti and Henry Longfellow utilized symbolism to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that guides the reader to understand the poem as a whole. In â€Å"Remember†, the poet incorporated the volta-the shift. Before line 9, the speaker insisted the beloved remember oughtRead MoreCompare the Ways Love Is Presented in Sonnet 43 and Ghazal1292 Words   |  6 PagesCompare the way love is presented in ‘Sonnet 43’ and ‘Ghazal’ Both poems, Sonnet 43 and Ghazal convey emotions and passionate feelings of love in different ways. Sonnets and Ghazals are poem that are meant to express strong feelings of love. Khalvati and Barrett Browning chose them to illustrate their loving feelings to their lovers. Barrett Browning does not correctly carry out all the rules of Sonnets in her poem which gives an effect that she would do anything for her lover and that thereRead MoreLiterary and Non Literary Texts Essay example1368 Words   |  6 PagesIn this paper I am going to compare and contrast a literary text (Education for Leisure by Carol Ann Duffy) and a non literary text (Newspaper article from â€Å"The Independent† by Nigel Morris) focussing on the language features used, the structural and presentational devices, the use of correct punctuations, analyse the structure of the non literary text for bias and the techniques used to convey meaning and ideas by both authors. The objective of literary texts is to teach the readers a life lessonRead More Attitude Towards Love in Valentine and The Flea Essay1660 Words   |  7 PagesThrough Close Analysis of Language, Structure and Theme, Compare and Contrast the Poets Attitude Towards Love in Valentine and The Flea. The two poems Valentine and The Flea are about the two different ways in which the poets portray their views about love, however the poems are still linked in a few ways. The Flea was published in the seventeenth century and was written by John Donne. Valentine was published in 1983 and was written by Carol Ann Duffy. Both poems are addressedRead MoreEssay How Romantic Was William Blake?1517 Words   |  7 Pages The time period typically associated with the Romantic Poets and writers was one of the most turbulent to hit Europe ever. With the French Revolution sweeping the fields of Alsace, Lorraine and beyond, most monarchs, including those in England were wary of the new notions that were becoming common place among the commoners. Not since the Reformation of the 16th century was the continent in more turmoil. Yet with this build up of angst came a fertile bed for a new style of writing to grow inRead MoreRepresentation of Women in Poetry - Comparative Essay1479 Words   |  6 PagesHow have the composers of the poems you will be discussing constructed their representations of women? Compare and contrast the themes and values represented in your two chosen poems. †¨The representation of women have changed throughout the course of history. The Ruined Maid composed by Thomas Hardy and I Am Man-made by Susan Wicks both incorporate similar values of the submissive nature of women, yet do not fail to integrate two very different values of female sexuality and male dominance, respectivelyRead MoreJudith Wright And Sylvia Plaths Naked Girl And Mirror1458 Words   |  6 Pagesto discuss the importance of her ideas. The parentheses highlight the submissive nature of women and the exclamation marks indicate an aggressive tone; these both enhance the idea of women breaking out of their shells and striving for more in life than just becoming a traditional mother and wife. Plath discusses the idea of feminism in a different perspective; she incorporates a simile and personification in one line of her poem ‘Morning Song’ in order to contrast the bond between a mother and child

Cinematic Role in September 11th 2001 free essay sample

A comparison between the medias delivery of news and film making. This paper looks at the role that the media plays in portraying and delivering news with special reference to the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Towers. The author argues that the way the media depicts news creates a situation in which reality becomes indistinguishable from film making. The medias use of techniques such as slow motion, repetition, development of characters and formation of anticipation in the audience in delivering news, is so similar to the way films are made, that to discern between boundaries of the media and real life becomes impossible. The Spectacle of horror, which took place on September 11th 2001, has left daunting unforgettable memories in the minds of all on lookers. The events of that day influenced so many individuals because of the vast reach of the media in our day-to-day lives. What happened on September 11th 2001 leaves many believing that real life has become indistinguishable from the movies. We will write a custom essay sample on Cinematic Role in September 11th 2001 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The increase in media control has taken off with in the cultural industry over the last 30 years. Televisions became mainstreamed into the family home in the 1970s with the invention of colour TV. These days more then 11 million Canadians have cable television. The mega trend of corporate capitalism in the post-industrial world has 7.5 million households online. Hollywood and American cinema account for the 2nd largest product surplus in North America. Ironically before the September 11th 2001 tragedies top grossing industry was the Airline Industry. Both the film and airline industries have seen drastic declines in profits since September 11th 2001.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Thousand Cranes By Yasunari Kawabata Essays

Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata ILLUSTRATE THE ROLE WHICH MRS OTA AND HER DAUGHTER FUMIKO PLAY IN BRINGING ABOUT THE REFORMATION OF KIKUJIS CHARACTER TO COME TO TERMS WITH HIS PAST. IN WHAT WAYS (IF ANY) DOES THIS HELP HIM BECOME A BETTER PERSON? Kawabatas Thousand Cranes is a novel that puts little emphasis on story lines, placing more value on emotions, reflections, symbolism and such. The rather crude (at first sight) plot of this complicated piece of Japanese literature is concentrated on a tangled web of relationships of the past, riddled with jealousy, insecurity and deep mistrust. Kikuji Mitani, the main character, has grown up watching many of these triangular and adulterous ties all unfold before his eyes his father taking the star role. As a result of this, even now, as a young working man the ghosts of the past come to haunt him, threatening to take over his life and make him a replication of his father even though he is now dead. The center of this haunting is in something he witnessed as a boy of eight or nine Chikakos birthmark. This disgusting image has a surprisingly intense effect on Kikuji, in fact so deep- He could sometimes imagine even that his own destinies were enmeshed in it. This is the state of Kikuji at the start of the book, an obsessive, even neurotic, driven character completely confused and angered by life, trying to push the past as far away as possible. His first meeting with Mrs. Ota is a forced one, a meeting he would rather have avoided. He had wanted to meet the Inamura girl later identified as the girl of the thousand cranes who is beautiful and more importantly pure in his eyes- clean against the rankling histories of middle-aged women in sharp contrast to the likes of Mrs. Ota, whose very presence is impure- It seemed wrong to meet the girlhere before Mrs. Ota. The thought of seeing Fumiko for the first time is even less appealing- he was even more repelled at the thought of meeting the daughter today. However his first impressions after four years of Mrs. Ota are- She seemed wholly warm, tender, overcome by pleasure at such an unexpected meeting. But this is quickly ruined by his malicious thought- One can only conclude she was wholly unaware of her place in the assembly and in society (?). From repulsion for both Mrs. Ota and Fumiko, Kikuji reserves his disgust only for Mrs. Ota, leaving sympathy for Fumiko- Was the woman foolish, or shameless? He was overcome with pity for the daughter Fumiko is still an unknown, with nothing revealed about her personality or any past history, but Kikuji does notice as Mrs. Ota is leaving that- There was a look of appeal in the girls eyes. We can conclude from here that Kikuji is very perceptive, noticing details that others may not take note of, although her appeal can be understood in many different ways, maybe an appeal for forgiveness, or an appeal to stay away from her mother. But the point being made here is that Kikuji is observing maybe a little too much about the two women if he has such a deep hatred for them. He should rather be aloof and uninterested in them. There are many other instances throughout the book where he scrutinizes like this, Fumiko and her mother both being characterized by their long, white neck(s)/throat(s). His keen perception of such detail could be used to guess at another aspect of his personality- that he is to some extent like an artist. However Kikujis newfound willingness to deal with his history is displayed when he purposely walks to Mrs. Ota despite his aversion for her- Nevertheless, he walked toward the gate. This is a very impulsive and perhaps dangerous (mentally harmful) decision for Kikuji to make, quite rash, because anything can happen. He seems to have made it quite clear in the pages before that at the moment he believes that his only salvation from his fathers curse (obviously he feels it is a curse) is to keep away from its living components- Mrs. Ota, Chikako and perhaps Fumiko. Now he is not even stopping to think what this new contradictory action will do to his years of resolve, to his determination to